Fenzi SpA(芬齐集团成立于1941年,总部在意大利米兰,公司自成立以来始终聚焦在平板玻璃深加工领域,在八十多年的发展过程中,已经在全球12个国家(意大利,阿根廷,加拿大,美国,比利时,丹麦,波兰,中国,俄罗斯,荷兰,韩国,西班牙)创立了14家分公司,发展到了现在的全球布局。产业聚焦在五大领域:中空玻璃辅材;镜背漆和制镜化学药剂;玻璃用陶瓷釉料和有机釉料;AGT汽车玻璃油墨;Tecglass数码打印机和墨水。目前全球员工超过1200人,年销售额达6亿欧元,4类产品做到了全球第一:中空玻璃用聚硫胶、镜背漆、建筑玻璃用涂料和浸水金膏。保持了自创始以来始终取得积极成果的成就。Fenzi公司于2003年底在浙江省嘉兴市秀洲工业区洪高路成立浙江芬齐涂料密封胶有限公司,并于2006年7月投产。 Fenzi is a chemical group completely devoted to Glass. The company was established in 1941 and today has 14 production plants in Europe and North America. Fenzi has three main product lines: - insulating glass products - mirror backing products - tempered glass products Fenzi’s mirror backing paints Duralux are the most used on the Chinese market since many years. The high and consistent quality have made of Duralux the mirror backing paint preferred by major mirror manufacturers all over China. In the strategy of a stronger and stronger commitment to the Chinese market Fenzi had established Zhejiang Fenzi Paints and Sealants Co., Ltd. at Honggao Road, Xiuzhou Industry Zone, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province at the end of Year 2003, which was already production in Year 2006.